
You always maintain 100% control over who see’s your ads and when they see them.

You can make your ads target a very specific niche which is important.

If you’re writing about Nike for example, you don’t go running ads based on other far fetched categories.

You wan’t people on your site for that specific niche whom you know will be engaged.

Don’t spend thousands just to attract uninterested audiences.

Realistic SEM Budget

Start with a Realistic 50-100 and wait until you see the Results.

Please don’t overspend and also do all the research needed before putting any money towards any kind of advertising campaign.

You want money to make money and not only bring just a few views. Try to establish key content on your website before launching this campaign.

Generally, the more content you have on your site the more it will engage the audience and keep them coming back after that one click.

That’s the Goal.

Search Engine Advertising

This Goes One of Two Ways!

You either way to run ads and generate a big Audience Quickly, or you can generate ads from companies or advertisers per say to generate Revenue.

In my opinion, engaging content is Key, so try to bring in Revenue and not pay out so much.

I’m sure opinions conflict, but if your content is worthy and engaging

you’ll make much more than you pay out!

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Facebook Advertising

Google Ad Sense

Yahoo Advertising

Bing Advertising

SEM is actually very inexpensive!

Create a concrete Budget! You only pay when people click on the Ad and are Driven to your Website!

You don’t pay for session.


Keyword Bombing and Blocking

Keyword Bombing Will Get you Blocked and it Looks something like this….

Keyword, Keyword, Keyword, Keyword, Keyword….

Be original and promote your content, but keep it realistic and true to your focus. Too much of anything is not a good thing and this will get you blocked!


Keyword Profits

Pick Your Words

Based off their profitability!

Are two sites to check the worth of the Keywords you Pick.

As a general rule, the more the words are worth, the more they’re searched and desired.

It makes sense to use words associated to your website and/or blog based on how searched they are.

The web is very simple,

But using all your ability to generate and create desired content only helps serve your purpose further.

If you like Music for example, look at the difference between the profits of the simple words ipod or mp3.

Keyword Optimization!

Keywords and Tags

Are Key to getting found and getting the recognition your blog and website deserves….

Search Engines get hits on Keyword entry and diagnostic tools. Many times when you use Google, Yahoo, Bing etc…

You get the most relevant hits based on Relevancy and location. These sites you find use keyword recognition within their pages, headlines, bodied paragraphs titles and more!


with the smarts of website development can use the power of these tools to boost traffic and popularity among the rankings and gain

Faster grasps to becoming a fully monetized Site.

Popularity and Frequency are the most important concepts when picking tags and keywords.

Insert keywords into your title and throughout the body of your text. The web grabs and recognizes those keywords and pulls them through scripts.

Monetization and Advertisers look for traffic, relevancy, hits, follows. Overall

Traffic. Consistency. Relevant Topics. Interested Readers.


SEO Quick Simplicity

There are many concepts within Search Engine Optimization (SEO.)

I only cover a few of those key concepts here.

SEO can easily take up hundreds of blogs, unless people would like to hear how to make your page more desirable and found easier on the web or in keyword searches by millions of users on the web….

The following blogs will have some key concepts to get you in the right direction.

Hope this helps many of you get started with getting found!

Starting Your Path to Revenue

First months of Blogging, Four to Eight Weeks. Learn your blogging, platform and your audience! This time frame will most likely not make you any money! Great things come in time! You need a high level of engaging content. Concise information and accurate information. Bigger goals start with small steps.

I resort to Articles, Journals, Books and any other information to form this content.

Don’t give up. Give it your all and you will get to your goals in no time!

My opinion is to have more than one topic to draw in more followers, but to each their own!!!